Friday, August 11, 2023

The Bridges of Shasta County (September 1995)

This post is part of a series of editorials written by Bert Walsh during his tenure as president and past president of the Shasta Historical Society. Readers are advised that his humor is often irreverent and rarely politically correct. 

Click here for the table of contents for the entire collection of his editorials.


Well, it's been quite a summer. Way back in June, I decided that the 1996 Covered Wagon really needed an artistic photo essay on the bridges of Shasta County. So first crack out of the barrel, I strapped a camera around my neck and took off cruising around in my truck.

You know I had forgotten just how friendly people are. The first place I stopped to ask about picturesque old bridges, the lady couldn't think of any, but she asked me in for punch and cookies while she thought some more. Well, she never thought of any but we sure had a great time talking. 

I tried another place the next week and would you believe that almost the same exact thing happened. The lady there was very helpful and friendly. She couldn`t think of any old bridges, but her goodies were delicious.

Gosh, that's just the way it went all summer. I got acquainted with a whole bunch of real nice ladies who are just fascinated with old bridges and stuff. but I never got to take even one picture. Somewhere along  the way I misplaced my good sun hat and Hillary's camera. I think it was at that place where the lady baked some kind of herbs in her brownies. Gosh, I wish I could recall where that was. 



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