Sunday, August 6, 2023

Setting Fence Posts (February 1995)

This post is part of a series of editorials written by Bert Walsh during his tenure as president and past president of the Shasta Historical Society. Readers are advised that his humor is often irreverent and rarely politically correct. 

Click here for the table of contents for the entire collection of his editorials.


Recently I had occasion to drive a row of metal fence posts into the ground. After the January rains this turned out to be easy work. However, digging holes for the corner posts was like trying to bail sludge with a round-point shovel. That job will have to wait 'til the ground firms up and then we can stretch the wire in July after the ground has set up like concrete. Whoever said that there is a time and place and season for everything really had it right--at least in regard to Shasta County soil conditions.

Maybe this also applies to what the Society does. Back in the 1970s whenever we received a request for information, it was brought up at a general meeting and someone would volunteer to come up with an answer-usually from memory. Today, we outfield one or two phone calls per day. About 20 or 30 people per month show up at the library with notebooks to do serious research, and Hazel McKim somehow manages to stay ahead of the questions that come in by mail. No doubt about it-there is increased public interest in local history, and we are at the right place with the right stuff at the right time. Now if we can continue to attract the right volunteers to help us do our thing, we may yet get organized.



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