Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Skunk, Part II (March 1994)

This post is part of a series of editorials written by Bert Walsh during his tenure as president and past president of the Shasta Historical Society. Readers are advised that his humor is often irreverent and rarely politically correct. 

Click here for the table of contents for the entire collection of his editorials.


Back to the subject of skunks--I was told today that putting out a pan of  ammonia will keep skunks away. They can't stand the smell. Is this true? I have been told so many things by so many people on so many subjects that I just have no feeling whatsoever for the truth anymore.

In that vein, have I ever mentioned a land development scheme in which Hillary and I were involved in the l970s? It seems that this totally organic tribe of flower children had purchased 20 acres to pasture their goats on. However, the goats were making slow work of the manzanita, and it was winter and the trailer sprang a leak, the cesspool overflowed and there was some problem making the payments. Well, one thing led to another. and pretty soon we were riding the crest of the Shasta County land boom. This venture became known as the Backwater Development Corp.

Well, time passed, the note got paid off, we brought in electric power, an all-weather road, a well, and eventually a flush toilet with adjoining bedroom. During this time, we have learned to take pleasure in the natural rhythms of country life--the occasional gunfire from neighbors announcing the cocktail hour, periodic blasting from the quarry, and the absence of the stupid telephones ringing.

Hillary and I have decided that when we leave public life this will be the site of our presidential library. Most of the books are already in place, but we are having trouble locating one issue of Sports Illustrated on the subject of swimming suits. Can anyone help? 



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