Saturday, July 29, 2023

Math (May 1994)

This post is part of a series of editorials written by Bert Walsh during his tenure as president and past president of the Shasta Historical Society. Readers are advised that his humor is often irreverent and rarely politically correct. 

Click here for the table of contents for the entire collection of his editorials.


Being of a mathematical turn of mind, I was musing the other evening and wondering how many generations of` Historical Society members each family unit could claim. Now we know that the society was founded in l930 by individuals old enough to have had grown families; so, let's assume that a new generation occurs every 20 years. This is reasonable, considering that births in Shasta County seem to occur early on and often. My golly, it's possible that we could have fourth generation members or even fifth generation. Without thinking too hard, I can come up with several third generation folks, and I have only a nodding acquaintance with local breeding permutations and begats.

Hey, let's have a contest to see who can boast of the most generations of Historical Society members! The winner will receive a free State lottery scratcher. In case of a tie, no prizes will be awarded. 

As historians, we can tolerate a reasonable amount of falsehood and exaggeration. And if you want to purchase memberships for your children at birth or even during the second trimester, the Treasurer has no problem with that. Simply mail your entries to the Society marked "Attention Incoming President."


Note: The incoming president was Don Moore.


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