Sunday, June 25, 2023

65 Chairs (December 1992)

This post is part of a series of editorials written by Bert Walsh during his tenure as president and past president of the Shasta Historical Society. Readers are advised that his humor is often irreverent and rarely politically correct. 

Click here for the table of contents for the entire collection of his editorials.


Now just hold up a minute and listen good! I believe that we have a weird and sinister mechanism at work in our wholesome 100% American organization. And what's more, I can prove it on the computer just as soon as the memory bank gets back from the shop.

Each month we mail 570 newsletters. Of these, 125 go out of state or too far away for people to get here without abandoning their loved ones and responsibilities. This is sad but true. 110 recipients live in Whitmore, Ono, Montgomery Creek, etc. They only come to town when they need truck parts, cheap groceries, or embalming. I envy them. This leaves 335 households in or near town. Figuring 1.5 people per address, that's 502.5 individuals.

Now the spooky part. Every meeting we set up 65 chairs and exactly 65 people show up--but mainly different people each time. This makes it easy to set up seating and refreshments, but one can't help wondering why the numbers are always so consistent.

We have ten "events" each year, so I can only conclude that there is some kind of diabolic, hypnotic suggestion out there telling us we can only attend 1.29 happenings per year and specifying who comes to what meeting.

To this I say balderdash! It's time for us to take control of our lives. I wish to unequivocally state that anytime you wish to attend to a Society function, you should exercise your rights as a free-born American and do so.


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