Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Snapshots: Honolulu

by Jessie Emma Dewey (Cutting), ca. 1899 

Ida and Jessie on the porch - a picture from the same roll

 On the back it reads:

"Gene & I took these snaps - developed the plates & printed them - terrible
Ida -               
At corner of Beretania & Alexander St Honolulu. Cottage built by Chinese contractors - note Chinese architecture. Thot these snapshots might amuse you. I was going to destroy them but will let you do it."

The same intersection in 2016 (via Google Street View)


  1. We passed by that corner in Honolulu in January. Little did we know. Send more photos!

  2. Nothing much to see anymore, sadly. But I'll keep the pictures and stories coming!
